Cold outside

I don't mind cold, but when it's cold and rainy, brrrrr, it's awful. Just like it is outside right now.
So I found pictures of sunny, although a cold day. November 2015.
Nie mam nic przeciwko zimnu, ale kiedy jest zimno i pada, brrrrr, to jest okropnie. Tak jak właśnie teraz na zewnątrz. Znalazłam zatem zdjęcia słonecznego, chociaż zimnego dnia. Listopad 2015 r.
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  1. ...I'm not a fan of cold and rain either!

  2. I will take cold and sunny any day over raining which it has been doing here in my part of Germany for weeks!

  3. Hello, pretty views and photos. I am not a fan of cold weather or snow. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  4. That third view is my favourite.

    Here we have snow falling today.

  5. Lovely photos! Thank you for linking up today and have a GREAT weekend!

  6. Everyone looks like they are really dressed for the cold. I am with you on hating cold AND rain. Also, wind makes it so much colder.
