Good, random, fun...

Good, random, fun...

by the Drzewny Canal
nad Kanałem Drzewnym
spring time
czas wiosny
hard to find
ciężko go znaleźć
definetely fun; can you find kitesurfer?
definitywnie zabawa; możesz znaleźć kitesurfer'a?
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  1. ...ah, to be able to fly like a bird!

  2. I love the one 'space.' Then comes the top one and the one below it of the blossoms. Nice to see this time of year.

  3. That windsurfer is flying pretty high up! Loved seeing all the greenery as our landscape is mainly brown right now.

  4. Windsurfing is great to watch!And I love the huge water willows in your first image! Definitely springtime here, Klara:)
    Many thanks for sharing it with All Seasons - wish it was springtime at the moment, but we'll have wait some months with that. Am curious about Christmas events in Poland ... could you write/show All Seasons what they do in Poland?

  5. wonderful collection of pics, I'm in love with big blue skies

  6. What a treat to see a lovely photo of spring as we enter December! It's actually in the 70s and sunny here, so it might as well be spring! :)
