Not grey

There is no more snow, but it's cold and gloomy. Let's have at least some white (not grey) pictures before the green flourishes. February 2018.
Nie ma już śniegu, ale jest zimno i ponuro. Przynajmniej miejmy trochę białych ( a nie szarych) zdjęć, zanim zieleń wybuchnie. Luty 2018 r.

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  1. It isn't often I can join you with some snowy photos, it is quite hard to capture isn't it!

  2. Lovely snowy photos, feels so peaceful

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  3. has its own plan, we get what we get!

  4. Looks peaceful and cold. Hope the sun comes out soon and green stuff grows.

  5. Snow is so beautiful and completely transforms the world. It was grey and miserable today in the UK too :( #mysundayphoto

  6. These pics are beautiful, nevertheless I hope you get warm sunny skies soon.

  7. Looking forward to seeing the green.

  8. My favorite of all your white photos is the path with trees next to it! Yes, that's the hardest, after having had the magical white snow to return to grey and bare trees. Hang in there - one day it will become green again! Thank you for sharing all these wonderful views with All Seasons. Have a bright week:):)

  9. Even without sunny weather, your photos turned out very well! I hope spring shows up soon for you!
