Rainy morning?

When I left my home in the morning, it was raining. It's good that I had my camera with me anyway, because suddenly the sun came out from behind the clouds...
Kiedy wyszłam z domu o poranku, padało. Dobrze, że i tak miałam aparat ze sobą, bo nagle słońce wychyliło się zza chmur...

Krakusa i Wandy St.
Ulica Krakusa i Wandy.
Verano Spa Resort area.
Okolica ośrodka Verano.
 Kurort Cafe
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  1. ...the same here today, before light it was raining and now the sun is trying to come out.

  2. Pretty Autumn trees & what a quaint little cafe!

  3. I am glad you had your camera, too...lovely group of photos.

  4. What a lovely place and how good, that you had your camera!
    There are days, which surprise us...
    My absolute favorite from perspective is #4.
    Sorry, that I'm so late, mother is still sick and I'm dealing with healthy problems too.
    Enjoy your weekend and thanks for joining
