W for Water Tower

The water tower was built in 1885 in neogothic style. It's been in public use since the 1st of July of the same year. There were some breaks during its development, but it's been working since 1980 until today. The tower's height is 26 metres and its diameter is 15,5 metres.  The tank contains 680 cubic metres of water. The tower survived the WWII despite that nearly 90 per cent of Kolobrzeg was destroyed during battles. Nowadays there is a restaurant there with local brewery of the Colberg beer.
Wieża ciśnień została wybudowana w 1885 r. w stylu neogotyckim i pracę rozpoczęła 1 lipca tego roku. W tym czasie nastąpiły przerwy na rozbudowę, ale od 1980 r. wieża działa po dziś dzień. Wysokość wieży wynosi 26 metrów, a średnica 15,5 metra. Zbiornik mieści 680 m3 wody. Wieża ciśnień przetrwała drugą wojnę światową, mimo iż 90 procent Kołobrzegu zniszczyły walki. Obecnie znajduje się w niej restauracja z lokalnym piwem Colberg.

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  1. Nice. There's an old water tower in Stockholm very similar in style to this one.

  2. ...a mighty fancy water tower.

  3. Wonderful buildings that tell many stories, don't they, we have them in The Netherlands as well. Nice choice for w.

    Have a ♥-warming welcome ABC-day / week
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    Preview Round 21, starting july 12th

    1. That building would probably tell us interesting stories.

  4. What beautiful architecture!
    Thank you for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2017/06/pretty-view-in-ladies-loo.html

  5. Love it, don't see one like that here that I know of.

    1. That's why we share our photos... to get to know our towns and cities from all over the world.

  6. I love old buildings. They all are different. Not like today.

  7. Love 19th century water towers, nice to see this one has found another use with rather more alcaholic 'water'.

  8. Regarding your question at today's post, each fall, more than a million tulip bulbs are planted in the various flowerbeds in Ottawa and Gatineau for the festival.

  9. This is the most beautiful water tower I have ever seen!

  10. Beautiful and distinguished as a water tower! Love that it is red brick:)

  11. When I think water tower, I think of those 20th century ones in the US, not nearly so interesting!
