
Another building site. This time a block of flats named Platany at Lopuskiego St
Kolejny plac budowy. Tym razem budynek o nazwie Platany na ulicy Łopuskiego.

March 2017
Marzec 2017 r.
August 2017
Sierpień 2017 r.
Linked to:


  1. Always interesting to document building sites.

  2. ...a lot is going on here.

  3. Wow, they're really building a lot, where you live! Must be exciting to see it all develop!
    Sorry you were not able to link up your photo - but it's likely to be temporary, since several people linked up their photo after your comment!
    You took the right action, to publish your url! Wordpress-people do it all the time. If you like, you can try again, because the link is open till Wednesday evening 7 pm, USA time. Have a great week!

  4. Building sites offer many opportunities for quirky shadow shots.
