Location: Eastern Ekopark, 78-100 Kołobrzeg, Poland

White Egret

Czekałam na wrześniową pełnię księżyca i napotkałam tą piękną czaplę białą polującą w deszczu.


I waited for the full moon in September and encountered this beautiful white egret hunting in the rain.

Doczekałam się pięknego zachodu słońca.
I saw a beautiful sunset.
Powoli się ściemniało, więc tu czapla w innym świetle. Pełni księżcya nie zobaczyłam, bo naszła bardzo gęsta mgła.
It was slowly getting dark, so here the egret is in a different light. I didn't see the full moon because the fog was very dense.


  1. Absolutely stunning images of the egret!!!
    Enjoy the week ahead & thanks for linking in this week

  2. Hello :=)
    Such beautiful shots of the egret and sunset images.

  3. Beautiful captures of the Egret! I love the pretty sunset too! Sorry, I was away for a week and I am late visiting. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy new week !

  4. Wow, they are such stunning and still shots. Thanks so much for linking up and for sharing with #MySundaySnapshot.

  5. Beautiful images, Klara! Worth the wait to capture them. Thanks for taking part in the "My Sunday Best" meme!
