Location: Podczele, Kołobrzeg, Poland

Umacnianie brzegów

Już niedługo brzegi na wschodnim wybrzeżu miasta będą umocnione. To bardzo dobra wiadomość, gdyż zimowe wichury bardzo zniszczyły brzeg i roślinność. Od kilku tygodni pracownicy zwożą głazy na plażę. 


Soon the shores on the east coast of the city will be strengthened. This is very good news as the winter storms have damaged the shore and the flora. For several weeks, builders have been bringing boulders to the beach.


  1. Love that colorful road or pathway. The beach is always a fun place to be so it's good they're repairing.

  2. Beautiful collection of photos!

  3. Such stunning shore shots. Thanks for linking up and for sharing with #MySundaySnapshot.
