Winter again

The title speaks for itself. Two days ago I showed you pictures of these lovely crocuses. I took those pictures on Wednesday last week and this aura welcomed me on Thursday morning.
I must admit, the park hasn't looked so gorgeous this winter/ spring :) yet.
I promise these are last winter photos, unless we'll have snow in May (which happened before...)
Tytuł mówi sam za siebie. Dwa dni temu pokazałam Wam zdjęcia tych pięknych krokusów. Zrobiłam je zeszłą środę, a taka oto aura powitała mnie w czwartkowy poranek.
Muszę przyznać, że park jeszce nie wyglądał tak ślicznie tej zimy / wiosny :)
Obiecuję, że to ostatnie zimowe zdjęcia, chyba że śnieg spadnie w maju (co się wcześniej zdarzało...)


  1. ...and a Happy Dyngus Day to you!

  2. Great snow photos, but they look oh, so cold, and I am hoping for some spring warmth in April.

  3. If it wasn't for the snow I'd love your pictures. I hate snow and as you and I are living on the same latitude, we've got similar weather. Yes, it has snowed here too on May 5 many years ago, and even in early June during Stockholm marathon.

    Great pics. Wonder how these sites will look like in summer.

    PS. Thanks for your comment on my blog:-) DS.

  4. Great shots! Our weather has been crazy too.

  5. Heisann, thank you for the comment on my blog. We had snow falling today as well... longing for Spring with flowers...., but the white cover is beautiful, though!
    Ha a nice week, hopefully not so cold ;:OD)

  6. I love your snowy photos, so beautiful.

