Rainy day

Another rainy day in September gave nice reflections in the water of Parseta river.
Kolejny, deszczowy dzień we wrześniu dał ładne odbicia w wodach rzeki Parsęty.
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  1. I like the houses with the roof windows and all the flowers. Not too bad to go for walks in the rain, if you have the right clothes and boots on.

  2. ...after our wet summer, we are having a warm and dry fall.

  3. hello, pretty reflections from your rainy day. We have been a little dry here, the rain would be welcome. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!

  4. We are in need of rain. It has been unseasonably warm for this time of year. I am basking in it...as winter is coming! Lovely reflections. Thanks for sharing on just BE.

  5. Lovely reflections... and the same weather like with us, sigh!
    Thanks for joining, enjoy your weekend
