I'm not sure, what kind of shrub this is... Anyone knows?
'Mewa V' Health Resort, Kolobrzeg, November 2017.
Nie jestem pewna, co to za krzew... Czy ktokolwiek wie?
Uzdrowisko 'Mewa V', Kołobrzeg, listopad 2017 r.
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by on Thursday, November 30, 2017
I'm not sure, what kind of shrub this is... Anyone knows? 'Mewa V' Health Resort, Kolobrzeg, November 2017. ---------- Nie je...
U for Ugly weather, which sometimes is beautiful. Orcan Gregory. October 2017.

U for Ugly

by on Wednesday, November 29, 2017
U for Ugly weather, which sometimes is beautiful. Orcan Gregory. October 2017. Linked to: ABC Wednesday Image-In-Ing Ou...
I want to show you another treasure, which has gone from our city landscpape. It's part of Teodor Rafinski spa hospital 'Słoneczko'. Not sure, whether the property will go to a  private owner or will it be  rebuilt (it has happened in the past with other spa properties).
Chcę Wam pokazać kolejny skarb, który zniknął z krajobrazu naszego miasta. JEst to część szpitala uzdrowiskowego 'Słoneczko' im. Teodora Rafińskiego.

'Słoneczko' consists of a few buildings. Two of them had connector (a bridge between them). I hope you can see it in the  background of this picture.
;Słoneczko' skłąda się z kilku budynków. Dwa z nich miały łącznik. MAma nadzieję, że możecie go zobaczyć w tle tego zdjęcia.
The bridge was demolished around January 2017. And this is the building which has disappeared recently...
Łącznik został usunięty mniej więcej w styczniu 2017 r. A to jest budynek, który zniknął ostatnio...

January 2017.
Styczeń 2017 r.
November 2017.
Listopad 2017 r.
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Tuesday's Treasures

by on Tuesday, November 28, 2017
I want to show you another treasure, which has gone from our city landscpape. It's part of Teodor Rafinski spa hospital 'Słoneczko...
The next phase of revitalisation on promenade. This time nearby Verano Health Resort...
Kolejna odsłona prac na promenadzie. Tym razem w pobliżu uzdrowiska 'Verano'...
....  and 'Perla Baltyku' Health Resort.
.... i uzdrowiska 'Perła Bałtyku'.
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by on Monday, November 27, 2017
The next phase of revitalisation  on promenade. This time nearby Verano Health Resort... ---------- Kolejna odsłona prac  na promenadzie. ...
November morning in Stefan Zeromki Park.
Listopadowy poranek w Parku im. Stefana Żeromskiego.
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by on Sunday, November 26, 2017
November morning in Stefan Zeromki Park. ---------- Listopadowy poranek w Parku im. Stefana Żeromskiego. Linked to: #My Sunday...
It's still green, because it was September. Park and yew trees nearby Verano Spa Resort.
Wciąż zielono, bo to wrzesień. Park i cisy w pobliżu ośrodka 'Verano'.
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Yew tree

by on Saturday, November 25, 2017
It's still green, because it was September. Park and yew trees nearby Verano Spa Resort. ---------- Wciąż zielono, bo to wrzesień. Par...
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Autumnn evening.
Jesienny wieczór.
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Skywatch Friday

by on Thursday, November 23, 2017
Autumnn evening. ---------- Jesienny wieczór. Linked to: Skywatch Friday Little Things Thursday Thankful Thursday
T for Tranquil place. It was the best time to sit and rest on the bench. No one was there, the autumn sun was shining...
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T for Tranquil

by on Wednesday, November 22, 2017
T for Tranquil place. It was the best time to sit and rest on the bench. No one was there, the autumn sun was shining... Linke...