
A new attraction has been placed in our city. It's called 'Tourist' and it was designed and made by Russian sculptor Sergey Zubarev, who lives in Poland. A modern lady with backpack, suitcase and selfie stick is taking picture of her and beautiful background of trees in Stefan Zeromski Park at Obroncow Westerplatte St.
Mamy nową atrakcję w mieście. Nazywa się 'Turystka' i została zaprojektowana i wykonana przez rosyjskiego rzeźbiarza Sergeya Zubareva, który obecnie mieszka w Polsce. Nowoczesna pani z plecakiem, walizką oraz selfiestick'iem robi sobie zdjęcie na tle pięknych drzew w Parku im. Stefana Żeromskiego przy ul. Obrońców Westerplatte.
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Tuesday Treasures
Our World Tuesday


  1. ...I will never understand this selfie thing! It's a sculpture that is with the times. Thanks Klara for stopping by, please come again.

  2. It is a lovely sculpture, even though I do not like those selfie sticks!

  3. What a fab statue had to laugh at the selfie stick heheh!

    Have a selfietastic week & thanks for bouncing by :-)

  4. a real sign of the times- a statue with a selfie stick- so funny

  5. Hello, I like the tourist statue. It is cute. Have a great day!

  6. Selfie with a statue taking a selfie. That's different!
