
A few months ago I showed you pictures marking the beginning of constructing a new 'biscuit' roundabout, which is called this because of its oval shape. Here is an update.
Kilka miesięcy temu pokazałąm Wam zdjęcia z rozpoczęcia budowy nowego ronda 'biszkoptowego', zwanego tak z powodu swojego kształtu. Oto aktualizacja.

04.08.2017 r.
17.08.2017 r.
02.09.2017 r.


  1. ...oval is a bit different than what we have here.

  2. It looks like they are doing a good job. Interesting shape for a roundabout. We keep getting new ones here too and drivers seem to be getting used to them.

  3. Is this "biscuit" very good?? :)
    bye dear Klara

  4. Hello Klara, I see you linked to All Seasons - but I skipped this week, because have too much going on, to do both All Seasons and my weekly post at the same time! Am on my blog this week, just minutes in-between this week!
    Am curious if an oval round-about is easier to drive?In Holland in some town they have whole neighborhoods where almost every street has a round-about! See you back coming Sunday - have a lovely week:)

  5. I like big ones like this, they seem easier to navigate. I never knew how roundabouts make traffic flow so well until I moved to New Zealand. I think they would be helpful in America but I don't think they would be well received.
