Drzymaly St

It's been a while, but tenement houses at Drzymaly St have been refurbished. They are historical treasures. From the right: tenement house no 8 (pink one) comes from modernist era (1920s), tenement houses no 9 and no 10 were built at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries in the style of historicism. 
Zajęło to chwilę, ale kamienice przy ulicy Drzymały doczekały się pomalowania. Są zabytkami. Od prawej: kamienica pod numerem 8 pochodzi z czasów modernizmu (lata 20-te XX w.), kamienice numer 9 i 10 zostały wybudowane na przełomie XIX i XX w. w stylu historyzmu.

March 2017
Marzec 2017
September 2017
Wrzesień 2017 
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  1. ...Klara, these buildings have such lovely details it's nice to see that they are being restored. Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I love old buildings with all of their little details!

  3. Beautiful building and their paintings are lovely.
