Location: Arka Medical Spa, ul. Sułkowskiego 11, Kołobrzeg, Polska

A for Arka Medical Spa

Arka Medical Spa is a hotel with over 1000 places to sleep and rotating cafe on the 11th floor. It's the easternmost health resort in Kolobrzeg and it borders with Ekopark Wschodni. It has lovely location - only 50 metres from the seashore.
Arka Medical Spa jest hotelem z ponad 800 miejscami i obrotową kawiarnią na jedenastym piętrze. Jest najbardziej położonym na wschód sanatorium w Kołobrzegu i graniczy z Ekoparkiem Wschodnim. Ma przepiękną lokalizację - tylko 50 metrów od linii brzegowej.
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  1. I HATE having to do blog maintenance! Good luck.

  2. Have fun with the alphabet.

  3. A health spa that's a huge hotel. It's not computing in my head. :-)

  4. Thats a large spa!!
    I could relax there for a couple of weeks!

    Thanks for sharing!

    - Lisa

  5. Sounds like an awesome place to visit or stay. Interesting rotating restaurant...how fun that would be to sit and enjoy.

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