Platany update

I prepared an update about Platany building site. Please, check my post from October 2017 to see the difference. It's gonna be a block of flats with business spaces at the ground floor. June 2018.
Przygotowałam aktualizację na temat placu budowy 'Platanów'. Zajrzyjcie proszę na post z października 2017 roku by zobaczyć postęp. Będzie to budynek mieszkalny z przestrzenią sklepową na parterze. Czerwiec 2018 roku.


  1. Always so cool to watch buildings go up!

  2. ...I alway enjoy seeing those large cranes.

  3. Promise of a great place to live! Nice shots!

  4. It looks like quite a project. Some of the same concepts- retail at the ground, residences above- are incorporated into new buildings here.

  5. We are now seeing many new such developments in Melbourne too, Klara.
    Thank you for taking part in the My Sunday Best meme!
