Rime by the river. When I went out of the house a few days ago, there was rime left by the fog. In the centre of the city the traffic fumes anf higher temperature caused reduction of it. Where should I go to see iced up trees? Of course by the river, where it is much more colder and quieter.
Szadź nad rzeką. Kiedy wyszłam z domu kilka dni temu, zobaczyłam szadź pozostawioną przez mglę. W centrum spaliny samochodowe i wyższa temperatura powodowały jej zmniejszenie. Więc gdzie pójś by zobaczyć oblodzone drzewa? Oczywiście nad rzekę , gdzie jest chłodniej i spokojniej.
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  1. Bbbrrr this has made me feel very cold.

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto

  2. ...I love the last one with the bit of red.

  3. Love the frost on the trees! Always so so pretty! Have a wonderful week!

  4. Thank you for sharing all these beautiful details of winter and frost on the branches with All Seasons! I particularly like your next to last shot - as in a fairy tale:) Wishing you a safe week and a warm house.

  5. Icy and beautiful! Thank you.

  6. Plenty of ice and snow hanging around your way by the looks of these photos

  7. I learned a new word -- rime. It certainly is pretty the way it clings to trees and things.

  8. Lovely pictures. Here in Sweden we have snow in the whole country. But soon spring is here.

  9. Beautiful photos, white and cold...

  10. Beautiful photos with a nice touch, we have more than a meter of snow , white fluffy snow, and I love it

  11. So beautiful picture and with the white fog in the middle of everything.
