Building site

I want to show you a few pictures because I liked them, and this place will change. It used to be a tyre retreading plant, then it was just space covered by grass, trash and rubble (in the photos), now it's a building site, so I hope that in a few months you and  I will see a new image of that area.
Chcę Wam pokazać kilka zdjęć, ponieważ podobają mi się, a to miejsce w niedługim czasie zmieni się. Kiedyś tu był zakład wulkanizacji, później powierzchnia pokryta trawą, śmieciami i gruzem (na zdjęciach), a obecnie jest to plac budowy. Mam nadzieję, że za kilka miesięcy zobaczymy nowy wizerunek tego miejsca.

Pictures taken in May 2015.
In the background from the left: the cathedral and the backs of Jehovah's Witnessess Kingdom Hall (white and red building).
Zdjęcia zrobione w maju 2015 r.
W tle od lewej katedra i tyły Sali Królestwa Świadków Jehowy (biały i czerwony budynek).
Old hospital and the cathedral.
Stary szpital i katedra.
Jehovah's Witnessess Kingdom Hall (the backs).
Sala Królestwa Świadków Jehowy (tyły).
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  1. ...this reminds me of the song "Changes."

    1. Sometimes I think that my city, which is not very big, changes every day.

  2. it's a location quite isolated...
    bye Klara,
    nice evening :)

    1. It's actually not... it's close to busy street.

  3. Wow, two very different buildings! I prefer the steeple! Thank you much for sharing these with ALL SEASONS! Sorry your link photo didn't work out - if you like you can do it again, and then after, I'll delete your first one? Only do it, when convenient:) Enjoy your first week in April!

  4. I am hoping the steeple stays.

    1. Of course it will stay! :) It's been there hundreds of years. It's far background for the building site. Don't worry :)

  5. We shall see what becomes of it.
