
sea smoke // dymienie morza

Około 7 rano w sobotę tydzień temu termometr za oknem pokazywał -14 stopni Celsjusza. Po 8 dotarłam na plażę, a moim oczom ukazał się piękny widok. Morze parowało. Zjawisko to pojawia się gdy chłodne powietrze przesuwa się nad cieplejszą wodą. Nazywa się to dymieniem morza, a powietrze musi być około 10 stopni mniej niż woda. 


Around 7 am on Saturday a week ago, the thermometer outside the window showed -14 degrees Celsius. After 8 I reached the beach, and my eyes saw a beautiful view. The sea was steaming. This phenomenon occurs when cool air moves over warmer water. This is called sea smoke (frost smoke, steam fog), and the air must be about 10 degrees colder than the water.


  1. Hello Klara,
    Beautiful views of the sea and the sea smoke. I like seeing the gulls and cormorants relaxing near the water. Pretty photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Take care, enjoy your day and the new week ahead.

  2. The first shot is great. I thought it was a whale in the thumbnail...ha! #MySundaySnapshot

  3. What beautiful captures Klara I would love views like that :-)

    Happy New Year 👍 🍾🍾🍾

  4. These have a peaceful sense to them.

  5. Such a great time of day for peace and quiet.

  6. Wonderful captures. That would be fun to see the steam on the ocean.

  7. Such stunning snapshots - Thanks for linking up and sharing your snapshots with #MySundaySnapshot throughout 2022. Here's to further photographs in 2023, may all your wishes come true this year :)

  8. It is indeed a curious and beautiful phenomenon, Klara! Thank you for linking up to the "My Sunday Best" meme and my best wishes to you for a Happy New Year, however you may define "happy".

  9. Oh beautiful photos....I began Nature Notes again after some training.....I appreciate that you have joined in...Thank you
