
Latarnia morska w Gąskach

 Language #1 - Read in English      Language #2 - Czytaj po polsku

The lighthouse in Gąski was built in 1878. The first source of light was the Fresnel apparatus, and in 1927 the optics based on electricity were installed. During World War II, the army's activities destroyed the lighthouse to a small extent and in 1948 it shone again. At the moment, the light source is a 1500W bulb.
Tower height: 49.80 m
Light height: 51.10 m a.s.l.
Nominal range of the light: 23.50 NM (43.522 km)
The lighthouse in Gąski is, of course, part of the Lighthouse Trail. So far, I've visited:

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Monday again...

Na ścieżce rowerowej w okolicach Przećmina. Wrzesień 2019 roku.
On the bike path near Przećmino. September 2019.
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... na skrzyżowaniu ulic Solnej i Wojska Polskiego ...
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