

I couldn't find much information about this cemetery in Beauvais. It's not even marked in Google Maps. The entrance is from de Saint-Ladre Street.
Beauvais is a small city 75 km from Paris. It has things to see, but we only slept there before going to Paris.
Nie mogłam znaleźć informacji o tym cmentarzu w Beauvais. Nie jest nawet zaznaczony w Mapach Google. Wejście jest od ulicy de Saint-Ladre.
Beauvais jest małym miastem oddalonym 75 km od Paryża. Ma kilka miejsc do zobaczenia, ale my tam tylko spaliśmy przed pojechaniem do Paryża.
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  1. ...I've seen a few European cemeteries and they sure different than the ones here. Klara you have some lovely images.

  2. Interesting cemetery to look round

  3. It feels crowded, at least to my eyes.

  4. Beautiful cemetery, Klara! This tells you that google maps is not perfect:) I knew this, since a few years ago, we followed google maps to a certain place, and we got so lost, that we stopped at a store, to ask for the right road. That store owner had little instructions typed up, for people like us. He said, "It happens all the time, on this route that people get lost. I wrote google, but they haven't changed it. Many thanks for giving us a look at Beauvais and sharing it with All Seasons!

  5. Very nice B pictures, Klara. We've been in and out of Paris driving most ways but I don't remember Beauvais. I'm glad you rested up especially for driving much in Paris. Also, we've been traveling for about six weeks on a 30 day cruise in the Aranean Sea and the Indian Ocean and just got back Friday afternoon. Even so I am sorry I'm so late in seeing them. You travelled the town before turning in.
    Have a nice week, Jim
