

It used to be health resort Hutnik, but since 2008 it has fallen into ruin. In 2014 company Mat-Mad bought it and it's gonna be Olymp IV (hopefully ready for July 2018). As you can see it's ten floors contruction. You can't build hotels or health resorts this tall in this part of the city anymore. That is why the new owners decided to use and renovate old construction.Hutnik had 6,0000 square metres of usable area. Olymp IV will have around 11,000 square metres.
To kiedyś  było sanatorium Hutnik, ale od 2008 popadało w ruinę. W 2014 firma Mat-Mad kupiła budynek. i będzie to Olymp IV (mam nadzieję, że już w lipcu 2018 r.) . Jak możecie zauważyć, jest to dziesięciopiętrowy budynek. Nie można jużtakich wznosić w dzielnicy uzdrowiskowej. Nowi włąsciciele postanowili więc użyć i odnowić starą. konstrukcję. Hutnik miał 6 tys. m2 powierzchni użytkowej, Olymp IV będzie miał około 11 tys. m2.

September 2011
Wrzesień 2011
February 2016.
Luty 2016 r.
May 2016.
Maj 2016 r.
September 2017.
Wrzesień 2017 r.
January 2018.
Styczeń 2018 r.
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  1. ...Klara, it's good to see that this building is being restored for a new use. Too often buildings are torn down. Thanks for stopping by today, take care and please stop back again.

  2. Klara, repurposing has a great environmental advantage. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I am happy to see the building being restored and reused instead of building something new.

  4. That's a good way of making use of the building.

  5. Good to see it's gonna be put to good use :-)

  6. Nice to see the finished building.
