
Tuesday's Treasures

I want to show you another treasure, which has gone from our city landscpape. It's part of Teodor Rafinski spa hospital 'Słoneczko'. Not sure, whether the property will go to a  private owner or will it be  rebuilt (it has happened in the past with other spa properties).
Chcę Wam pokazać kolejny skarb, który zniknął z krajobrazu naszego miasta. JEst to część szpitala uzdrowiskowego 'Słoneczko' im. Teodora Rafińskiego.

'Słoneczko' consists of a few buildings. Two of them had connector (a bridge between them). I hope you can see it in the  background of this picture.
;Słoneczko' skłąda się z kilku budynków. Dwa z nich miały łącznik. MAma nadzieję, że możecie go zobaczyć w tle tego zdjęcia.
The bridge was demolished around January 2017. And this is the building which has disappeared recently...
Łącznik został usunięty mniej więcej w styczniu 2017 r. A to jest budynek, który zniknął ostatnio...

January 2017.
Styczeń 2017 r.
November 2017.
Listopad 2017 r.
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  1. Thank you for sharing some pictures of Poland. It is on our bucket list and I would love to know some things before we go.

  2. ...this treasure needs some TLC. There looks to be a lot of construction going on in your area. Thanks Klara for stopping by, have a great day.

  3. Nice photos I liked them in stages like that too

    Have a demolishedtastic week :-)

  4. I appreciate the many blues in these photos. Thank you for linking to Blue Monday!

  5. Farewell to an elegant building.

  6. It doesn't take long when they get to work demolishing a building for it to be a pile of rubble.

  7. I hate seeing all the old structures demolished. They had so much character. Nice post!

  8. i hate to see old buildings just torn down for new :( so sad...thanks for sharing!

  9. I bet the old was beautiful in its day!
