
Military equipment

On Thursday a display of military equipment took place nearby the lighthouse. Don't ask me to name this stuff... The Days of Kolobrzeg.
W czwartek odbył się pokaz sprzętu wojskowego.  Nie każcie mi nazywać te rzeczy... Dni Kołobrzegu.

Minesweeper robot was very popular that day, especially among the children.
Robot saperski był popularny tego dnia, zwłaszcza wśród dzieci.
Minesweeper patrol car.
Saperski pojazd patrolowy.
Minesweeper's protective suit.
Ubiór ochronny sapera.
RPG (rocket-propelled grenade).
RPG (ręczny granatnik przeciwpancerny).
View from the lighthouse.
Widok z latarni morskiej.
Secured live bomb on the lifter.
Zabezpieczony niewybuch na podnośniku.
Linked to:
Tuesday Treasures
Our World Tuesday


  1. Wonderful photos of the collection.

  2. ...Klara, I must show this to my 15 year-old grandson. He is on his high school robotic team and has recently gone to Chicago and St. Louis. Thanks for sharing this week, please stop back again.

  3. There is something similar done here by our military on a weekend in September when they hold a large run by active and retired servicemen and women. It's interesting to see this kind of equipment up close.

  4. Fascinating display! You usually only see this equipment on the rare military-oriented TV show.
