
K for Kreatywność

Kreatywność means creativity in polish.

We celebrated the World Poetry Day yesterday. The Bus Full Of Poetry was running around the city, taking passengers who wanted to meet our local poets, listen to their poetry or take autographs.
Świętowaliśmy wczoraj Światowy Dzień Poezji. Autobus Pełen Poezji jeżdził po mieście i zabierał pasażerów chętnych spotkać się z naszymi kołobrzeskimi poetami, posłuchać poezji, a także wziąć autografy.
One of the stops was the Town Hall. Here's where the writers handed the petitionon to local govs. Postulates such as: 'More poetry to our lives' and 'Let's read poetry' were read by the poets. The petition was held by the Little Miss Spring.
Jednym z przystanków był miejski ratusz. Tutaj pisarze przekazali lokanym władzom petycję. Postulaty takie jak 'Więcej poezji w prozie życia' czy 'Czytajmy poezję' zostały odczytane. Petycję trzymałą Mała Pani Wiosna.
It's a First Day of Spring so floral hats and wreaths were worn.
To był Pierwszy Dzień Wiosny i mogliśmy zobaczyć kwiatowe kapelusze i wianki.
And we could listen to little poetry as well.
A także usłyszeć kilka utworów.
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  1. Klara,

    How cool! You know, I haven't done much in the way of photographing people such as this. I like reading their reactions and the story to go with each picture. I will have to look for opportunities to do more this kind of photography. Thanks for sharing and linking with Curious as a Cathy for not-so Wordless Wednesday! ;)

    1. Thank you for visit, Cathy. And thank you for hosting very nice meme.

  2. A lovely post, nice to see you had fun!

    Have a nice ABC-day / -week
    ♫ M e l ☺ d y ♫ (abc-w-team)

  3. ...I love the ladies' hats!

  4. The floral wreaths and hats are quite a nice touch!

  5. a Day very important for me....
    bye Klara

    1. I know... I was happy to celebrate it as well.

  6. I like the way you celebrated this day. :)

  7. What a fascinating way to celebrate the first day of spring! Awesome photos!!
