
Pine forest

The pine forest in Dzwirzyno grows on the dunes along the seashore.  It creates a unique microclimate. This type of forest has a healing effect on respiratory diseases, moreover volatile substances in the air tone the nervous system.
These are shots of trees from the side of Wyzwolenia St St in Dzwirzyno.
Las sosnowy w Dźwirzynie rośnie na wydmach wzdłuż brzegu morskiego i tworzy unikalny mikroklimat. Tego typu las ma leczniczy wpływ na choroby układu oddechowego,a substancje lotne w powietrzu tonują układ nerwowy.
Ujęcia drzew od strony ulicy Wyzwolenia w Dźwirzynie.
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  1. Trees are such a wonderful part of life. We've cut down too many of them and need to plant lots more.

  2. ...Pinus sylvestris has a wonderful gnarly look!

  3. We burn pine wood in our woodstove - that is our heat for the winder! But It's great to see the pine tress in their full glory waving in the wind! Many thanks for sharing them with All Seasons Klara. Have a beautiful week!

  4. Is this in Poland? It looks so different than I would imagine!

  5. We take trees too much for granted. We're nothing without them.
    The View from the Top of the Ladder

  6. It looks like a wonderful place to enjoy

    Thank you for linking up to #MySundayPhoto
