
Magnolias #2

Magnolias at Dubois St.
Magnolie przy ulicy Dubois.
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U for Unsual morning

It was Unusual forenoon. The sea was calm and the thermometer at 8 o'clock in the morning was showing 28C degrees. Perfect time for relaxing. A few people were walking or exercising. The sound of waves was the only 'noise'.
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Stairs to the beach

The western part of the city has a decent steps to the beach. I hope that winter storms will not destroy it (at least that is the intention of the constructors). At the very beginning, the terrace is pleasing to the eye. A modern design allows you to watch the sea from a comfortable bench.
Zachodnia część miasta doczekała się porządnego zejścia na plażę. Mam nadzieję, że zimowe sztormy go nie zniszczą (przynajmniej taki jest zamiar konstruktorów).  Na samym początku wita nas przyjemny dla oka taras. Nowoczesny projekt umożliwia podpatrywanie morza z wygodnej ławki.
And then it's a concrete staircase ... I'm not whining. I'm glad they've been done.
A później to już betonowe schody... Nie marudzę . Cieszę się, zostały zrobione.
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Portowa St

A quick glance at Portowa St
Szybkie spojrzenie na ulicę Portową.

Japanese cherry tree.
Japońska wiśnia.

Kormoran spa.
Uzdrowisko Kormoran.
Elemenatary School No.1 
Szkoła Podstawowa nr 1
Portowa Cafe.
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Hi everyone, as you can see my blog is under maintenance. I believe it will last few weeks :) First of all I have to sort out how I put my photo as an 'Author', because now the 'Author' photo is from Sora Templates :0) Please, be patient and still visit my blog. Thank you. I wish you all good day.


A small fern at the Municipal Cemetery.
Mała paproć na miejskim cmentarzu.
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Irises and...

There is a little garden at Unii Lubelskiej St just below the windows of the building. The garden blooms every year with beautiful poppies and irises.
Jest taki mały ogród przy ulicy Unii Lubelskiej tuż pod oknami budynku. Każdego roku rozkwita makami i irysami.
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Skywatch Friday_20180524

April 2015. It was a 'U'nique stroll. I felt like in a desert except for the fact there was much colder, (because of the wind) and we had an access to the sea :)
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T for Trees

T for Trees. Pictures from the different parts of city taken during different seasons.
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