
The forest's life

Some of these trees were knocked down by the wind, some of them died out, and others were cut down. It is a natural part of the forest's life.
Niektóre z tych drzew powalił wiatr, niekóre same obumarły, a jeszcze inne zostały wycięte . To naturlna część życia lasu.
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  1. ...there are lots of blow downs here too!

  2. Last year after a great storm We had trees knocked down by wind. Not nice!
    Thank you for visiting. I hope to see je again on wednesday!
    Have a nice weekend!

  3. I enjoyed your beautiful photos of the forest. My favorite is the silhouettes of trees with bright blue sky in the background (next-to-last photo). I've hiked on a windy day when trees have come down nearby. The loud crack as the trees snapped was scary! NOT a good place to be during a storm.
    My Saturday Snapshots post is here: https://sandranachlinger.blogspot.com/2018/04/cougar-mountain-coal-creek-falls.html

  4. From death comes life. That applies in woodlands too.

  5. I love the bare trees against the blue sky!! Thanks for sharing on just BE.

  6. Oh, what an interesting theme for photos. I love trees! I especially like the pic of the trees in moonlight - beautiful!


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