
Hydroelectric power station

I'm gonna miss our old hydroelectric power station at Rzeczna St. It wasn't until recently that it has become something awful to look at but still, it was a part of the landscape.
It supplied electricity to the city between 1908 till late fifties. It had the Voith water turbine of 64HP power output and the turbine itself was connected to a generator made by Siemens-Schuckert-Werke. It worked 23 hours each day with one hour reserved for maintenance. Thanks to this power station and the municipal power plant the city did have access to electricity supply shortly after the WWII.
In the 1980s it went to private hands. At the beginning of the year 2000 the owner wanted to repurpose it into a living accommodations, but the construction went very slowly.  It has started but never has it finished.
Unfortunately the construction works had weakened parts of the building and eventually due to safety reasons a decision was made to level the building along with the unfinished construction.
The power station was torn down few months ago.
Będę tęsknić za naszą starą elektrownią wodną na ulicy Rzecznej. Ostatnimi laty stała się okropnym budynkiem, ale stała się częścią krajobrazu.
Dawała elektryczność miastu od 1908 r. do końca lat pięćdziesiątych. Posiadałą turbinę wodną firmy Voith o mocy 64 KM, która łączyła się z generatorem Siemens-Schukert-Werke. Pracowała 23/24. Jedna godzina była poświęcona serwisowi. Dzięki elektrowni wodnej i głównej miejskiej miasto miało elektryczność po drugiej wojnie światowej.
W latach 80-tych XX w. poszła w prywatne ręce. Na początku XXI w. właściciel chciał tu wybudować mieszkania, ale konstrukcja szła bardzo wolno. Nigdy nie została ukończona. Co więcej, nadbudowy osłabiły budynek. Ze względów bezpieczeństwa musiał zostać rozebrany.
Zniknął parę miesięcy temu.

Linked to:
Tuesday Treasures


  1. Interesting architecture.

  2. ...Klara, we also have several hydroelectric plants in thus area. They are clean and renewable, such a shame to be lost. Thanks for sharing, I hope to see you back again.

    1. This one hasn't been working for a long time... Thank you for hosting Tuesday Treasures.

  3. And then it was gone.... seems such a shame really


    1. As you can see in the background there is another building, which someday will probably disappear. It's old grain elevator.

  4. It wouldn't have looked out of place here.

    1. It's because of another old building in the background ;) :(

  5. To są naprawdę piękne zabudowania !! Nigdy nie zrozumiem dlaczego zamyka się coś co służyło wiele lat...Chyba ktoś miał w tym interes...!
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie

    1. No niestety tak to bywa...
      Pozdrawiam również.

  6. It is always sad to see old buildings disappear. I so regret not getting photos of our little town. Almost all of the old buildings are gone on the 3 block stretch of mainstreet and it used to be lined on both sides with old, old buildings. At least you have photos to look at and remember.

  7. I started to take photos of ordinary looking streets and buildings, because everything keeps changing. Something disappears and sth appears...
