
Wind again.

Fun with kites. Picture taken in August 2016.
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Under CCTV.

It's not that someone would try and steal it, but no doubt some 'inconsiderates' might be tempted to vandalise or misuse this lifebuoy. That's probably a reason why this lifebuoy on the pier is under CCTV.


Such wind. Much lights.

I love stormy weather, such as we're having today.
Sometimes I curl up at home with a book and a mug of steaming coffee, but every now and then I grab my camera and just walk to the beach. As it happens this afternoon I decided to do the latter. I was in such a rush, that I forgot my tripod. But when there's a will there's a way, I found a flat space to support my camera on. And here's the outcome.
The pier was floodlit and shone with beautiful colours.


Rain, rain, rain

It had been raining for a few days. Muddy 18th March  Square. Picture taken in August 2016.

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Throwback Thursday No.2

So, we had a symbolic groundbreaking ceremony for a new stadium on Tuesday: http://kolobrzegcountyphoto.blogspot.com/2016/11/we-are-going-to-have-new-athletics.html 
Let me show you the old one then.
It belongs to the Nicolaus Copernicus Secondary School, which had its 70th anniversary last year. It was the very first secondary school in Kolobrzeg. It was established in 1945, but its main activity was moved in 1947 to the building which you can see in the photos.
The building was erected in 1932, before the WWII. It was a gymnasium at first, then a USSR hospital. 
But enough about the school. Let's see the old stadium. Pictures were taken on September 2016. As you can see it's really muddy and tracks are covered by grass. A long time ago, when I used to train athletics, surface wasn't good, but it wasn't that bad either. After so many years of empty promises – eventually, the necessary funds were obtained by the local and central govs. So, thank you and we are waiting for the opening ceremony in May 2018.

 Long and triple jump track:
 Discus and hammer throwing area:
 Shot put throwing area:


Foggy day

Remember the picture of the Harbour Bridge from the post The river Parseta ?
Today I took a photo from almost the same place (just the other side of the road), but the fog, which has lasted all day in Kolobrzeg, covered much of the landscape.


Będziemy mieć nowy stadion lekkoatletyczny!

W Kołobrzegu zostanie wybudowany nowy stadion lekkoatletyczny. W końcu, po wielu latach starań, pieniądze się znalazły. Dziś symbolicznie wbito pierwszą łopatę pod budowę obiektu, a ponieważ sukces ma wielu ojców, nie była to jedna łopata. Dziś stare, błotniste boisko jutro zamieni się w plac budowy. W maju 2018r. spotkamy się znowu, by uczcić oficjalne otwarcie stadionu.
Nowe miejsce do rozgrywania zawodów będzie miało 400-metrową bieżnię z sześcioma torami (a ośmioma na prostej),rzutnie do dysku, młota, oszczepu i pchnięcia kulą, a także skocznie: w dal, do trójskoku, skoku wzwyż i o tyczce. Konstrukcja pomieści ponad 500 widzów.
Stadion zostanie wzniesiony na miejscu starego, w pobliżu I LO im.M.Kopernika i stanie się dopełnieniem kompleksu sportowego, który do tej pory zawiera boiska do piłki nożnej, halę do koszykówki i basen pływacki. Wszystko znajduje się po drugiej stronie ulicy.

We are going to have a new athletics stadium!

We are going to have a new athletics stadium as the money needed for its development has been finally raised. A symbolic groundbreaking ceremony took place today, marking it as the beginning of the construction. Come tomorrow, this place will turn into a building site. Estimated to be finished by May 2018 we are looking forward to its official inauguration.

It is going to have a 400m round track and 6 lanes (8 straight lanes). There are going to be designated spaces for discus, hammer, javelin and shot put as well as high jump, long jump, triple jump and pole vault tracks. It is estimated that the stadium will be able to hold over 500 viewers.

The stadium is going to be located near Nicolaus Copernicus Secondary School and will be complement to football stadium, swimming pool and basketball court, which are based on the other side of the street.


Port rybacki

Jesli chcesz kupić świeżą rybę, to jest miejsce, które na pewno musisz odwiedzić. Jeśli wolisz wędzonego łososia lub makrelę, dostaniesz je tutaj także. A ponadto wiele innych ryb.
Widok od strony mariny.

The fishermen harbour

If you want to buy fresh fish, this is definitely the place you must visit. If you prefer smoked salmon or mackerel you will get them here as well as any other type of fish.
This is the view from the marina.


Zachód słońca

Piękny wrześniowy zachód słońca. Plaża Wschodnia w Kołobrzegu.

A sunset

A beautiful September sunset. Eastern Beach in Kolobrzeg.


Throwback Thursday No.1.

Podziwialiśmy Superksiężyc parę dni temu, dlatego na pierwszy Throwback Thursday, chcę pokazać kilka zdjęć z nocy, kiedy nastąpiło pełne zaćmienie Superksiężyca. 27/28 września 2016.

19:47 nadal w pełnym kształcie

Obudziłam się około 3 nad ranem. Już się zaczęło! Zjadłam bardzo wczesne śniadanie, a ze sobą zabrałam batonik Twix.

4:42 Ja i moja przyjaciółka zdecydowałyśmy się pojechać do portu jachtowego.
6:06 powoli wraca do 'normalności' ;)
6:44 widok z mojego okna

Throwback Thursday No.1

We watched the Supemoon a few days ago, so as a first Throwback Thursday, I will show some pictures from the night of Total Lunar Eclipse of Supermoon. 27/28 Sep 2015.

19:47 still in its regular shape.
I woke up around 3 a.m. It had already started! I ate a very early breakfast and took a Twix bar with me.

4:42 Me and my friend decided to go to the marina.
Just a quick explanation. The Supermoon phenomenon occurs when the Moon is in full phase and at the same time it is in the closest approach from its orbit to Earth. Earthmen observe the Moon as a very large object in the sky. A Lunar Eclipse on the other hand is when the Moon enters  the shadow cast by the Earth and since our planet is between  the Moon and the Sun it obstructs the Moon wholy.

6:06 and it's reverting back to normal ;)
6:44 the view from my window
The last Total Lunar Eclipse of the Supermoon was in 1982, the next one we won't experience until 2033.